Album, na którym znalazł się materiał oryginalnie nagrany przed Jeopardy, czyli okres maj-lipiec 1979 roku i może być uznany za pierwszy oficjalny LP zespołu. W tym czasie grupę tworzyli Adrian Borland, Graham Greene, Michael Dudley oraz Bi Marshall i zdecydowali się zmienić nazwę z The Outsiders na The Sound. Trzy utwory z tej sesji trafiły później, w lekko zmienionych wersjach, na album Jeopardy (Words Fail Me, Missiles, Night Versus Day). Płyta ta to przykład surowego, nieoszlifowanego brzmienia oraz ciekawe historyczne spojrzenie na początki powstawania tego niedocenionego do dziś fenomenu, jakim z czasem okazał się The Sound.
Nigdy nie wydany wcześniej w tej formie materiał, teraz po latach możemy wrócić do poczatku lat 80tych, usłyszeć i docenić coś naprawdę wyjątkowego.
Released in 1999 by Renascent, Propaganda gathers 12 formative recordings that were laid down by the Sound in 1979, some of which would be re-tooled for official release later on. Technically speaking, it covers a period during which a band called the Outsiders -- who put out the first self-released punk LP in Britain in mid-1977 -- underwent some lineup changes and officially changed into a new band, with guitarist/singer Adrian Borland and bassist Graham Bailey carrying over from the initial band. The material found here was recorded in the Borland family home with Adrian's father, Bob, performing the engineering duties from a small room nearby. Borland and company's influences are apparent: the Stooges, MC5, and Roxy Music. Borland's vocal phrasing resembles Iggy Pop's streetwise cool in a more-than-apparent way, though his worlds-apart personality is introverted and restrained compared to Pop's unbridled exhibitionism. The presence of clarinet blurts is an obvious reference to early Roxy Music, and some of the careening, assaultive guitar licks from Borland himself resemble the unholy squall and torrential bomber FX channeling of MC5's Fred Smith and Wayne Kramer. Down the road, the Sound would become much better at incorporating their influences, blending and almost burying them. Regardless, this is just a rawer version of a Radio Birdman record with a little more stylistic range and more thoughtful lyrics (they are far from being an endless splatter of grunts and scratches), without the crazy pose; despite the fact that these people were just getting used to playing with each other, most everything sounds assured, tight, and nearly professional. What these songs suffer from in derivation is equaled in skill, quality, and enthusiasm. Any hardcore fan needs a copy. It's not for nothing that the bandmembers themselves regard this collection as their first true record.
~ Andy Kellman, All Music Guide
more info on The Sound

1 No Salvation
2 Deep Breath
3 Cost Of Living
4 Quarter Past Two
5 Night Versus Day
6 Physical World
7 Statik
8 Music Business
9 Propaganda
10 Words Fail Me
11 One More Escape
12 Missiles
The Sound - Propaganda (1999)
pswd: http://jacyk70.blogspot.com
link: http://www.shareonall.com/sound-propaganda_urot.rar
Swietnie ze kontynuujesz serial o The Sound... Pozostaje miec nadzieje ze ktos wezmie,pozna i uzna ze to TA MUZYKA.
Jadac czasem autobusem z noca za szyba wspominam ten zespol bo jakos tak przeplatal sie z moim zyciem.
Dni mijaja a The Sound nadal sa mi bliscy. Wspaniale ze jest blog i to polski gdzie te drzwi sa gotowe do otwarcia...
I love your blog--your committment to the Sound is outstanding. Thanks for the great posts. I've downloaded Propoganda twice, and Cost of Living seems to be clipped, which is a shame because it seems to be a really cool song. If this is fixable, that would be really cool. If it's a glitch in the source, then I'll enjoy what I've got. Thanks again.
unfortunately Cost Of Living seems to be corrupted/clipped in the middle - sorry but that's the only version I've got, I can't fix it.
Thanks for the Sound albums. Great stuff... you have great 80s music
Here's a new blog New Wave-Indie
Thanks Jacyk for this album. Unfortunately the link doesn't work anymore. Can you (or somebody else) repost it? :)
Not only Cost of Living is clipped, but also the Night vs Day and Missiles versions are the ones found in Jeopardy and not in the original Propaganda.
link alfie
Thanks for the information, I keep in touch.
Thank you
utwory z tej sesji trafiły później, w lekko zmienionych wersjach, na album Jeopardy (Words Fail Me, Missiles, Night Versus Day). Płyta ta to przykład surowego, nieoszlifowanego brzmienia oraz ciekawe historyczne spojrzenie na początki powstawania
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