Płyta Ricka Wrighta (Pink Floyd) w duecie z Dave'm Harrisem (Fashion), sygnowana nazwą ZEE. Album nagrano w studiu Rectory w Cambridge w Wielkiej Brytanii. Płyta nie odniosła większego rozgłosu i projekt szybko dobiegł końca. Mamy album, który jest mieszanką progresywnego stylu Pink Floyd z elektroniką New Romantic lat 80tych. Jeżeli miałbym porównywać, to chyba najbliżej tym kompozycjom do wczesnego Japan lub Talk Talk.
Identity is the only album by Zee, a short-lived partnership consisting of Pink Floyd keyboardist Richard Wright and Dave Harris of New Romantic outfit Fashion, released in 1984. Wright later stated that he felt Identity was an "experimental mistake" that should never have been released. The album was written and produced by Wright and Harris and all the lyrics were penned by Harris. The album makes heavy use of the Fairlight CMI, a musical synthesizer popularised in the 1980s. This creates a very electronic sound that persists through every track.
1. Confusion
2. Voices
3. Private Person
4. Strange Rhythm
5. Cuts Like A Diamond
6. By Touching
7. How Do You Do It?
8. Seems We Were Dreaming
2. Voices
3. Private Person
4. Strange Rhythm
5. Cuts Like A Diamond
6. By Touching
7. How Do You Do It?
8. Seems We Were Dreaming
Zee - Identity (1984)