
The Sound - Jeopardy (1980)(CD 2002)

Zespół powstał w 1979 roku w Londynie i od początku istnienia zbierał dobre recenzje. Trudno powiedzieć dlaczego The Sound nie przebili się do grona zespołów, które odniosły sukces w latach 80tych. Ich muzykę prasa lokowała pomiędzy Joy Division, Psychedelic Furs a Echo and The Bunnymen. Debiut płytowy 'Jeopardy' wciąż brzmi surowo, brak tu poprodukcyjnej ogłady i szlifu studyjnego. Typowe post punkowe gitary i ostry wokal atakują nas w każdym utworze. 

Despite the production's rough edges, the limited budget that fostered it, and the feeling that it sounds more like several A-sides and a couple decent B-sides thrown together than a singular body, Jeopardy is a caustic jolt of a debut that startles and fascinates. With the plaintive intro of the rhythm section, a spidery guitar, and incidental synth wobbles (which all sounds surprisingly Neu!-like), "I Can't Escape Myself" begins the album unassumingly enough until reaching the terse, one-line chorus that echoes the title of the song; suddenly, from out of the blue, all the instruments make a quick, violent, collective stab and retreat back into the following verse as singer Adrian Borland catches his breath. The reverb placed on his voice is heightened at just the right moments to exacerbate the song's claustrophobic slant. The ecstatic onward rush of "Heartland" forms the back end of a dynamic one-two opening punch, with a charging rhythm and blaring keyboards leading the way. It seems to be the spawn of XTC and U2, just as giddy as something from the former (think Go2) and almost as anthemic as something from the latter (think Boy). Much later on, near the end, "Unwritten Law" comes along as one of the Sound's best mid-tempo mood pieces -- one of their greatest strengths. It also shows how much a simple shading of synth can affect a song, as it affects it with a melancholic smear that no other instrument could possibly provide. In all honesty, they weren't breaking any new ground here. Their influences were just as apparent as the ones donned by the other bands that inhabited similar post-punk territory. Smart journalists of the time -- meaning the ones who truly listened and were aware of the band's past -- knew well enough that the Sound belonged in the same league as the bands they were compared to and not somewhere in the bushes. Hardly coattail jockeying, the Sound were developing and growing alongside them. If you're thinking this sounds like someone's telling you that you need Jeopardy just as much as you need Kilimanjaro or Unknown Pleasures or Crocodiles, you're right again. [Renascent's 2002 reissue offers a fine remastering job and the four-song Live Instinct EP as a bonus.]
Andy Kellman, All Music Guide

1 I Can't Escape Myself
2 Heartland
3 Hour Of Need
4 Words Fail Me
5 Missiles
6 Heyday
7 Jeopardy
8 Night Versus Day
9 Resistance
10 Unwritten Law
11 Desire
  + bonus tracks
12 Heartland (Live)
13 Brute Force (Live)
14 Jeopardy (Live)
15 Coldbeat (Live)


  1. The Sound - Jeopardy (1980)(CD 2002)
    pass: http://jacyk70.blogspot.com
    link: http://www.shareonall.com/sound-jeopardy_iopo.rar


  2. To dość rzadko spotykany album w internecie.
    Grupa w naszym kraju chyba także malo znana, warto ściągnąć i posluchać.


  3. hey, thanks for the sound man, interesting stuff.

  4. hello
    stay tuned in - there will be more of The Sound soon...

  5. The 3rd record "All fall down" is one of my personal best of 80s. Darker than e.g. U2, little bit like Simple Minds "Empire and Dance" from 1980 which is another amazing record ... try it out and buy the stuff if you like it.

    Btw - thanks for this nice blog.

  6. Ktoś się podszywa pode mnie.

  7. hihi:) a ja myslalem Herr X ze cwiczysz swoj angielski,
    pozdro dla tego wlasciwego Herr X

  8. Anonymous9/11/07 16:45


  9. Anonymous25/2/08 19:12

    The Sound "All Fall Down"
    Jump over and post directly "In The Hothouse" and "Thunder Up"?!
    I'd appreciate it a lot.
    l e c o n t y

  10. The writer is totally fair, and there's no doubt.
