
VA - The 80s vol.8

Przeglądając moje archiwum muzyczne natrafiłem na mało znane utwory z lat 80tych i postanowiłem zebrać je razem w kilku częściach i zaprezentować na blogu dla szerszego grona fanów takiego brzmienia. Będę zamieszczał co jakiś czas następne części po 20 utworów w każdej paczce. Są to różne single wykonawców mniej lub bardziej znanych z kręgu New Romantic/New Wave. Dziś na początek taki zestaw:

OMD - Souvenir (Extended)
Our Daughters Wedding - Auto Music (Long Version)
Our Daughters Wedding - Lawnchairs (Dance Club Mix)
Paul Haig - Scottish Christmas
Person To Person - Love On The Rebound
Pete Shelley - Give It To Me '84 (Extended)
Pete Shelley - Witness The Change
Peter Coyle - Everyone Knows
Peter Godwin - Luxury (Extended)
Philip Jap - Total Erasure
Philip Oakey & Giorgio Moroder - Be My Lover Now
Picnic At The Whitehouse - We Need Protection
Steve Cameo - Automatic Introductions
Pookah Makes 3 - Fanfare For A Cowboy
Pookah Makes 3 - Lucky Lucky Lucky
Power - Work Hard
President Reagan Is Clever - This Game
Private Lives - Break The Chains
Psychic TV - Godstar
Pure - Can't Buy Me Love


  1. Various Artists - The 80s vol.8
    pass: http://jacyk70.blogspot.com
    link: http://www.filefactory.com/file/40dde1

    enjoy :)

  2. Anonymous12/1/07 06:20

    Love these collections! Keep them coming! ;) Thanks so much!

  3. Anonymous12/1/07 10:21

    Bardzo dobra składanka - większość utworów od pierwszego przesłuchania wpada w ucho. Rewelacja Pete Shelley.

  4. Anonymous13/1/07 04:01

    Playing By Numbers - Automatic Introductions

    This song Artist is not Playing By Numbers, it is Steve Cameo.

    All the best, DJ Wave


  5. @DJ Wave
    thanks for the correct version of the artist's name

  6. Anonymous10/3/07 22:14

    Widze tu kilka perełek,ale chialbym jeszcze je usłyszeć, odśwież na wiosnę jacyk

  7. reupload gotowy -->

    enjoy :)

  8. Anonymous26/5/07 13:53

    Hey - thanks for liking our song - This Game - we didnt sell many records but maybe you had one of them

    Tim - one time member of President Reagan is Clever

  9. You are fully right this IS Playing By Numbers.


    Don't let yourself confuse by people who just say things are like they are but give no evidence,

  10. Zoomer2001uk@yahoo.com30/12/16 21:35

    Hi I would love to buy the cd if possible do you know a link I can get this from here in the UK

  11. Anonymous22/1/17 19:20

    Does anyone know a record shop in Holland (or UK) where I can buy this?

  12. I'm afraid that's not a real CD - that is just a random collection of songs from my archive
